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Thursday, September 22, 2011

Jaz's TV appearance in England!!

Who lives in the UK?? I know Jasmine has friends all around the world! But now I'm trying to track down a friend in England or Scotland who can do a favor for us!!

I have great news!! I got an email from an assistant producer at the BBC, and Jasmine is definitely going to be on TV over there! He said Jasmine DEFINITELY got picked to be in the show! (And maybe more than one episode!) He said that "Jasmine pushing the trolley cart was our favourite clip!" (A.K.A. Jasmine's "Dog Goes Shopping" video!) So that's really exciting news!

First Japan, and now England/Scotland! The show is called "Who Let The Dogs Out", and you can watch it on the BBC iPlayer.... but only IF you live in the UK! :/ I can't even watch it because it's not available to view from USA.

So... I'm trying to find a few friends across the pond who can help me!! Please let me know if you would be willing to watch this series, and tell me when Jasmine is on!! (Then I'm going to try to find a friend in the UK to can record it for me!)

I'm pretty sure it's going to be on a segment called "Tails from Around The World".

Here's segments from the show- (Just scroll down to the bottom- it's Either on Part 2 or 3!) http://www.bbc.co.uk/cbbc/shows/who-let-the-dogs-out

If you want to watch the entire episode, you can here:

Please let me know if you can help me out!!! I would REALLY appreciate it!!! THANKS!! :)

You can post a comment here, or better yet- write me on Facebook so I can actually respond back!! :) https://www.facebook.com/MyFavoritePupJasmine

1 comment:

  1. We know a lot of the bloggers who live in the UK. Hopefully they also follow Jasmine and will read this post. If you don't hear from anyone, let me know and I'll forward Jasmine's blog over to the ones I know.
