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Friday, August 31, 2012

DIY Dog Bed!

I got this post from 2 Dog Trail Positive Dog Training on Facebook!   Such a great idea!!

DIY dog bed! You will need: an old sweatshirt, bed pillow, polyfill or other stuffing, one lucky dog.
1. stuff sleeves and shoulder/collar area of sweatshirt (you might need to put in a few stitches to create a "pocket" in the body of the shirt.)
2. insert pillow through bottom of shirt.
3. stitch end of sleeves together
4. attach pillow "ring" to bed bottom with a few stitches. Enjoy!

I think this is brilliant.  1)  It reuses/ recycles an old sweatshirt.  2)  Jaz already sleeps on my laundry pile anyway, so I think she'd love it.   (Since it has my scent on it!)  

I 'pin' a lot of cute/creative ideas on Jasmine's Pinterest.  But this one I think I'll actually try!!!  ;)

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Jasmine's New Trick on the News

Last week, Jasmine's new trick (doing the laundry) was featured on the news!  (Channel 15)   :)

Sunday, August 26, 2012

#Pawalla Prize Winner is....

Remember when I hosted the Pawalla Give-away?


Well I wanted to share with all of you the winner!  (I just wanted to contact them privately first.)

But now, I'm pleased to announce that the winner of the 3 month gift subscription to Pawalla is....

Ann (and Daisy!) :D    Congratulations!!  

Here's a picture of the winner~ Daisy!

I'm sure she'll love getting all the treats/food/toys from Pawalla!  :D   Thanks to everyone who entered!!

Friday, August 24, 2012

Jaz obviously prefers to work solo!! ;)

While trying to train a new trick, I discovered something....  Jaz prefers to work alone!  ;)

Obviously, sometimes I train Jasmine, and sometimes she trains me.  That's how I trick train.  I set out with something in mind.  But in the process, if Jaz wants to do some different new behavior... well, that's fine too.  :)   We learn together.

I got some great comments on Jasmine's YouTube Channel.  But my favorite one was written by feisty2day: 

"No matter what kind of day I have had, watching Jaz always makes me smile. Thanks for sharing her with the rest of us. Love You Jasmine!!"

:)  I couldn't have said it any better myself.  It's the same with me.  No matter what kind of day I've had, Jaz can always make me smile!  :)

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Furry little dog on the news today! (it was postponed)

False Alarm!  For those of you who watched the news yesterday expecting to see Jasmine...(including myself)...  she wasn't on!

 I thought maybe her dog tricks had got bumped for more important news.  But the producer emailed me and said they were having technical difficulties.  So... they are going to air it today!  

If you live in Arizona, be sure to watch ABC, channel 15 today during the 11 am newscast.  And you'll hopefully see Jasmine's new trick video!  :)

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Short, furry assistant made the news- in AZ!

Remember how Jasmine's new trick video was on the Utah news last week?   (see above)

Well, now it's Arizona's turn! 

This MONDAY, AUG. 20th Jasmine is going to be on the news in AZ!  So be sure to watch the news on ABC- Channel 15 at 11:00 am if you want to see a short, furry Canine Personal Assistant do her new tricks!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Jaz's #UTAH TV appearance

Jaz was on TV today up in Utah!  They showed her new trick video at the very end of the show "Good Things Utah".  (which aired on ABC- channel 4).  This one shows Jasmine new trick- doing the laundry!

Here's the video of when she was on the show!

I wish they would have shown more of the audience's reaction.  I love watching people's faces when they see Jasmine do her tricks for the first time!

Doing the Laundry 
Fetching the Remote Control 
Ringing the Bell

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Jaz on TV in #UTAH!! (Wed. Aug. 15th)


Jasmine's new trick video is going to be featured on TV in UTAH tomorrow!!  (Wed. Aug. 15th)

It's on a show called "Good Things Utah", and it airs around 10:00 am on ABC- channel 4.  So all our Utah friends- keep an eye out for Jasmine!!  :)

For the rest of us, I think they're going to put it up on their website.  I'll let you know for sure!

They are going to show the new video which shows Jaz doing the laundry!  (Well, taking clothes out of the dryer!)  Once she learns to fold them, and put them away, then I'll be in really good shape!!  ;)   (Hey- I can dream, can't I??)  ;)

Sunday, August 12, 2012

NEW TRICK- Dog does Laundry!

Jaz learned a new trick!  So I wanted to update her Canine Personal Assistant resume!  :D

Now this dog can do the laundry!  :D    Well, at least take the clothes out of the dryer.  She's not quite tall enough to do the wash yet!!  ;)

Friday, August 10, 2012

Pawalla Prize Pack #Giveaway

Jasmine always loves it when she gets packages!!  (Although she assumes everyone who comes to the door is there to see her!)  This time the delivery actually was for her!
Pawalla contacted us to see if we wanted to review their service.   
Of course!  Like I said, Jaz loves getting surprises!

Pawalla offers a monthly selection of premium, all-natural wet foods, delicious treats, healthy supplements, essentials and toys. 
I read that all their foods are hand selected by a pet nutritionist based on the size and life stage of your pet.

So this is what they picked out for a 6 year old Havanese:

Here's a close-up of what's in each package:  http://www.pawalla.com/peekdog

The first thing I noticed (and checked for)... was to see where the treats were made.  If you haven't heard, there is a huge problem right now with treats made in China.  They are making dogs sick.  All of the treats in this box were made in the USA, so it made me very happy.   (and Jaz too obviously!)
 I let Jaz pick out anything she wanted for a treat.
 First things she chose- the Hard Elk Antler.  What a flattering picture, huh?  ;)   She loved it.
For dinner, Jasmine tried the Salmon recipe Mulligan Stew.  She devoured it.

Jaz sampled the rest of the treats. (the freeze-dried chicken and the sweet potato dog chews)  She approved.  But I am going to save most of them for later.  You know what a food-motivated dog Jaz is... so I have to be careful to spread out the # of treats she gets!  She'd eat them all tonight if she could!! 

So... now the good news... Pawalla offered to give one of Jasmine's friends a free 3 month gift subscription.   

So I thought we'd have another raffle.  I like to keep my contests simple.  To enter this one, just share Jasmine's dog trick resume video. 

Then leave a comment here saying where you shared it.  (And be sure to include your email address.) 

If you share it on Twitter, be sure to tag @myfavpupjasmine 
If you share it on Facebook, be sure to tag Jasmine (My Favorite Pup)
If you share it on Pinterest, be sure to repin it from MyFavPupJasmine

The contest will run for one week- from Aug. 10th- Aug. 17th.  (Contest ends at midnight AZ time.)  :)    You can enter once per day, with potentially 3 entries.  (1 share = 1 entry)  Then at the end of next week, we'll have a drawing!

Or- if you don't want to wait for to see who wins the raffle, you can use our coupon code to get 20% off your first month right now.  Just use the code: JASMINE20 at pawalla.com.

Good Luck!  :D

******************THIS CONTEST IS NOW CLOSED********************

Time to draw the winner!!  :D

Friday, August 3, 2012

Rachel Ray #Nutrish Review-

When we were at the BlogPaws convention this past June, we stopped by the booth for Rachel Ray's Nutrish.  (Here's best friends Jaz and Paige modeling with the sign!)  ;)  

Jaz and Paige model the BlogPaws sign

After talking with the reps for a while, we agreed to do a Product Review for them.  They'll send us some samples of the Rachel Ray Nutrish Naturally Delish food, and Jaz gets to try it and I would tell them what I think.  (or what I think that Jaz thinks!)

It came yesterday!  (Super cute boxes too!)  :)  

This is a wet dog food- made out of real meat and vegetables.  (It really does look like it could be human food.)  I had it out on the counter, and my friend even asked me if it was for humans or dogs.  (Hey- Rachel Ray does make good human food!)   Maybe I should recommend they highlight and bold the sentence on the bottom of the label that reads "Natural food for DOGS!"   
(Lest there be any confusion!)  
My friend commented:  "Seriously, this looks human grade. Looks better than some of the frozen meals I eat."  LOL

We got 4 samples- Savory Lamb Stew, Chicken Paw Pie, Chicken Muttballs, and Hearty Beef Stew.
I randomly picked the Lamb for Jaz to try first.   (Just FYI- I checked and this will be okay with Jasmine's allergies- there's no corn in any of these)

 This is what the food looks like up close. (Kind of like a meat and veggie stew) 

 Sadly, I just dropped my camera- and now it has decided not to work.  So I had to get this pic from their website:  http://nutrish.rachaelray.com/  So you can see what Jaz will be eating this weekend.   I fed her the Lamb one for breakfast.  And she devoured it.  (Then again I don't know why any dog wouldn't like it.)  
Jaz gulped it down.  Usually she nibbles at her kibble, and takes her time eating.  Not with this stuff!  It's gone!  So... based on the speed by which she devoured her meal, I think it's pretty safe to say that Jasmine loves it.  That's my official opinion of Rachel Ray's Nutrish Naturally Delish. Two paws up from Jasmine.  :)

I'm going to have a freebie give-away for some Rachael Ray Naturally Delish food on Jasmine's FB page... keep an eye out!  https://www.facebook.com/MyFavoritePupJasmine

*By the way- this is a sponsored post- written by me on behalf of Nutrish for BlogPaws.  These are 100% my opinions (and Jasmine's opinions).

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Jaz was on Anderson Cooper today!

Just found out Jasmine was on Anderson Cooper today!  Well, it was a re-run of the episode with Jasmine in it!  Yay!!   Too bad I didn't catch it.  It would have been fun to see on TV.

But I was watching the Olympics.  (Which is probably the same reason the Anderson Cooper show is airing re-runs!!)  ;)

Which Olympic events have you been watching?

I love watching the swimming, synchronized diving (it's fascinating!!), gymnastics, equastrian events, and kayaking.  Those are my fav's.  :)

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Hopes and Prayers for Robin Roberts on #GMA

Photo Op with Robin from Good Morning America

I just read that Robin Roberts is taking a medical leave of absense from Good Morning America to get a bone marrow transplant.  http://www.people.com/people/article/0,,20615543,00.html

Jasmine and Jesse posing
We met Robin in NYC back in May, when Jasmine performed live on Good Morning America.  (Jaz got 2nd place in their "Dog vs. Dog" contest!)  Our friends Heather and Jesse were there too!  :)

Jaz has been on TV many times, and so we've met all types of people.  But I can honestly tell you than Robin was SOO SOO SOO very nice to us!!  She stuck around after the show to talk to us, she was super friendly and sweet.  She was willing to take pictures with everyone.  She was just so nice and genuine.  I really liked her.

So I am hoping and praying for Robin as she goes through this difficult time.  She's a wonderful person.  I wish her all the best, and hope for a speedy recovery.

Jaz in front of the GMA Studio in Times Square