I know some of my friends don't like Valentines Day. But I do. To me, Valentines Day remains the same as it was when I was in elementary school. It's not just about romantic love, or whether you have one special someone in your life. It's about celebrating the love and friendship you have with everyone in your life. It's a chance to do something nice for others. (Even if you don't know them that well.)
Here's one of my favorite quotes from Joseph B. Wirthlin-
"Kindness is the essence of greatness and the fundamental characteristic of the noblest men and women I have known. Kindness is a passport that opens doors and fashions friends. It softens hearts and molds relationships that can last lifetimes."
I've found that to be true. I still pass out the kiddie valentines (with a mini candy bar) to my friends and co-workers! Life's fun if we make it fun.
Jasmine (like most dogs) loves everyone she meets! Every time the doorbell rings, she thinks that person is there to see her. And she's so excited to see them! It's that enthusiasm that I love. Every time I come home from work, she greets me the same way.
YAY!! You're home!! YAY!!! I have yet to meet a person who is as happy to see me each day as Jasmine is. So I've applied that lesson to my life. If I love someone, I show it. I get excited when they come over to visit. And I fully enjoy the time we have to spend together. Jasmine teaches me a lot of life lessons.
I caught this commercial on TV- and the song caught my attention. (Of course, any doggy commercial will catch my attention!!) ;)
It's by Ingrid Michaelson...called "Everybody". What a great song!
The lyrics are catchy. And keep running through my head.
"Everybody wants to love, everybody wants to be loved." That's absolutely true. Mother Teresa said: “If you judge people, you have no time to love them.” I think this is why we all love dogs so much. They fully accept and love us- just the way we are.
I've heard this a phrase a few times:
"The more people I meet, the more I like my dog."
Which I can understand. There are some people that are not very nice out there. But it's also true that there are some VERY nice people out there.
Here's the advice I follow:
“People are often unreasonable and self-centered. Forgive them anyway.
If you are kind, people may accuse you of ulterior motives. Be kind anyway.
If you are honest, people may cheat you. Be honest anyway.
If you find happiness, people may be jealous. Be happy anyway.
The good you do today may be forgotten tomorrow. Do good anyway.
Give the world the best you have and it may never be enough. Give your best anyway.
For you see, in the end, it is between you and God. It was never between you and them anyway.”― Mother Teresa
Another great quote on the virtue of kindness:
"But", you ask, "what if people are rude?"
Love them.
"If they are obnoxious?"
Love them.
"But what if they offend? Surely I must do something then?"
The answer is the same. Be kind. Love them.
It works for our dogs. We can do the same. :)
This is a picture of my grandma. <3 She's the one who showed me what it meant to love others. She's actually the first one who got me to start teaching Jaz tricks. :) She lived in another state, and she wanted to know if I could teach my dog to jump through a hoop. And if I did, she would make a trip down here to visit. Little did she know what that would all set in motion!! Yep, Jaz can jump through a hoop now. (amongst many others)

Well, happy Valentine's Day my friends. Jaz and I send our love.
May you always have love to share, health to spare, and friends who care. :)