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Monday, October 22, 2012

Happy 96th Birthday!!! :D

 Boy, oh boy, Jasmine and I have had a busy month!!   Last week, we performed at a retirement center for this lady's 96th birthday!  I can't even tell you how much fun we had.  We did about a 30 minute trick show that showcased the majority of Jasmine's resume.  (Minus the tricks that had heavy props- like getting a drink from the fridge!)
     They got such a kick out of Jasmine's little tricks.  It was so fun!  Then I took her around and let each resident pet her, and we talked about the pets they used to have.  It was so sweet.  There was a lot of animal lovers in the audience.   I also passed out Jasmine's card to everyone- so they could remember what she looked like. 

When I approached one lady, she was smelling the card.  When I got to her, she asked me what the card was.  She wanted to know if it was perfume?  (That's when I realized this lady was blind.)   
I said "No, that's a picture of my dog Jasmine!"    
She said "Oooh!  I love dogs!!"
 I said, "Well, I have my dog right here, would you like to pet her?"
"Oh yes please!" 
I took her hand and placed it on Jasmine's back.  The lady was so thrilled.  She just smiled and smiled while stroking Jasmine.  It was the sweetest experience.  She was so happy to be petting a dog again.
 And Jasmine is such a good sport.  She let everyone pet her, and still begged to do more tricks.  (to get more treats!)   This was how we ended the show:
What a great experience.  And I have to say THANK YOU to my friend Stacy- who came to help me.  I don't know what I'd do without her!  She ALWAYS comes whenever she can to help me with my Jasmine gigs.  She's so awesome.

 I had posted on Facebook that we were performing at this lady's birthday party... and Stacy jokingly wrote "Can I come?"  (Even though I had already asked to have her come with me!)  I wrote back jokingly...  

"Ummm... I don't know. I'm going to have to look over your resume to see if you qualify. Do you have any past experience working with a trick dog? I need someone who can juggle being Jasmine's stage manager, remembering her tricks, prompting me, helping me with props, giving me driving directions and being my navigator when I'm lost, and being Jasmine's personal assistant, not to mention my moral support and encouragement. On top of that, I need someone with a super friendly, caring, cheerful personality who is great with people. But can also be our expert photographer and videographer. It's a complicated job! Hmmm..... although looking over your resume here, I see you do have excellent references and personal recommendations. Ok- yep, you're absolutely perfect. You're hired. You can come."   LOL

Stacy and Jasmine both help bring a lot of joy to this world.  And I'm just along for the ride.  :)

P.S.  Yes, I did get video.  (Stacy did.)  But life has been so busy, I have not even had time to look at it!!  

1 comment:

  1. Bahahahahahaaaa!! I love you CJ! :) Thanks for the joy and laughter you bring into my life on a REGULAR BASIS! :) Jasmine too for that matter.

    Being a part of this sweet 96 year old woman's birthday party was such an honor. We had a lot of happy grandma's and grandpa's enjoying Jasmine's tricks. Jaz now has a whole new (or old) generation of fans!! :)

    Sure is FUN and REWARDING to be a part of Jasmine's journey. :) Thanks for the compliments, friend!! :)
