I think Halloween is SO FUN! And this year, I get to spend it at the BarkWorld Expo in Atlanta, GA!
Tonight, they had a HOWL-o-ween party- hosted by my friend Rick Rockhill (who is awesome!) He's here representing Natural Balance Pet Foods.
It was so fun. (and yes, the song "Thriller" is still stuck in my head!!)
OK - first of all- Rick and I TOTALLY did NOT plan this! But we both came dressed in matching pirate costumes!!! LOL. What can I say? Great minds think alike!!! ;)

This is our friend Preston. and Pepper

A lot of effort went into these costumes!
Tonight, they had a HOWL-o-ween party- hosted by my friend Rick Rockhill (who is awesome!) He's here representing Natural Balance Pet Foods.
It was so fun. (and yes, the song "Thriller" is still stuck in my head!!)
OK - first of all- Rick and I TOTALLY did NOT plan this! But we both came dressed in matching pirate costumes!!! LOL. What can I say? Great minds think alike!!! ;)
There were so many great costumes!!! We all entered a costume contest. The winner was the guy who was dressed like a fisherman! (and his bulldog Pudgie was the fish). It was adorable!
This is our friend Niqqi!!!

These were cool.
Karen and Norman the Scooter Dog were there performing!

This is our friend Preston. and Pepper

Isn't this a GREAT costume? Kona is a purse!
This is our costume- the Pirate Gang.
This is Cosmo! The other Havanese here!
A lot of effort went into these costumes!
This is Jan. Such a kind-hearted person! She just loves Jazzy.
So- that was our fun-filled night! After it was over, I took Jasmine on her walk outside. It dawned on me that I was dressed up as a pirate walking down the streets of Atlanta. LOL. Only at BarkWorld. ;)
So- that was our fun-filled night! After it was over, I took Jasmine on her walk outside. It dawned on me that I was dressed up as a pirate walking down the streets of Atlanta. LOL. Only at BarkWorld. ;)