1. When did you begin your blog? That's a hard question!! I had to save this, and go back and look at the history! It appears that it was around 2009.
2. What was your original purpose for starting a blog? Jasmine had just been featured in her first commercial, along with Jesse the Jack Russell Terrier. Jesse's owner (Heather) encouraged me to start a blog for Jasmine. It serves as an online journal for me. Documenting the adventures in Jasmine's life, and the life lessons I continue to learn from her. I also post her new trick videos to it.
3. Is your current purpose the same? It definitely is!
If so, how do you feel you’ve met your goals? I write in it regularly. I keep training Jasmine to do new tricks, and we have our ups and downs in life. And it's all documented, so one day I can put it into a binder and have a scrapbook of all our fun times. Along the way, we've met a lot of nice friends who also like to be a part of Jasmine's life.4. Do you blog on a schedule or as the spirit moves you? Whenever I have something new to share. But it's pretty frequently.
5. Are you generating income from your blog? Nope. Not yet!
If so, how (e.g. sponsor ads, affiliate relationships, spokesperson opportunities)?
If not currently, do you hope to in the future — and how? Sure... it would be nice. Working on that right now. Any suggestions?
6. What do you like most about blogging in general and your blog in particular (bragging is good!)? I like sharing Jasmine's tricks with others. I like that she can bring a smile to people's faces. I like that it doesn't matter what language you speak, because there are animal lovers all over the world. Jasmine's videos have been featured on TV internationally as well as here in the USA. I love hearing the comments about how it brightens their day, or makes them laugh. So I guess I like that my blog is one avenue I can use to reach people. (Dog-lovers in particular!)
7. What do you like least? Technology problems. When it doesn't cooperate with me!!
8. How do you see your blog changing/growing in 2012? Just adding more friends I guess. I'm even thinking about switching over to a blog on wordpress. (But I hate change) Although I have purchased the domain name for it... so sooner or later I have to bite the bullet and do it! ;)