Jaz actually got a couple of different packages! (Equally as exciting each time the UPS guy rang the doorbell!)
EO for Dogs- sent us a lavendar & aloe shampoo, conditioner, and detangler
Drs. Foster & Smith- sent us a Busy Buddy Bone (and refills) and also a doggy seatbelt & harness
CuteDogsDaily.com sent us 2 T-shirts!
Not bad for just being cute! ;) If you want to enter your dog, just go to CuteDogsDaily.com!
It was kind of funny because I opened the box from Drs. Foster & Smith, then left it on the coffee table. In the morning, I jumped out of bed because I heard some weird sounds in the living room. It turns out Jaz really wanted that Busy Buddy Bone at 4:45 am, and was trying to get it out of the plastic container! It was kinda cute, and I would have tried to videotape it if I wasn't so tired!! ;)