Saturday, December 19, 2009
New Trick!
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Happy B-day Jaz!
Since I was out of town on her actual birthday, my roommate took her to Petsmart for me to have her pick out a new toy. (Our b-day tradition)
When I came home, I found out Jasmine had 3 new toys! Another squeaky bone (cuz you can never have too many!), a squeaky santa monkey, and a kong ball. I told my roommate she's spoiling her! But hey- you only turn 4 once, right?? ;)
Monday, November 30, 2009
Here's the Mighty Dog Commercial!
I had to laugh when I saw it for the first time. I'm going to nickname my dog "Blinky"- because that was the scene they picked for the commercial. Sit there and blink! The filming took 7 hours, and the main shot they picked was of her blinking. OK! (I know the rest of the footage will be edited down & used for the "Dogumentary"... but it still makes me laugh). We shot a ton scenes and they picked one of her blinking! (I guess I'll have to add that trick to her resume!) ;)
P.S. THANK YOU HEATHER for teaching me how to embed the video!! You Rock!! :D
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Commercial Time!!

Sunday, November 15, 2009
Agility Fun Run! CynoSport 2009
I finally uploaded the video from our day at CynoSport- doing a Fun Run Agility Course! (Jasmine just started Agility class in September, so we're both new at this.) It's really fun though!
This was our first time at Cynosport, but definitely not our last! We had a blast that day hanging out with our friends Ashley (and her dog Kaine- the German Shepherd) and Heather (and her dog Jesse- the Jack Russell Terrier). Jesse and Kaine tried dock-diving. (into a tank of water). Jasmine would have nothing to do with that! She hates the water!
All the dogs did the Agility Fun Run, the Lure-Coursing, then slept while we watched the real Agility Competition. It was such a fun day!
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Lure Coursing- SO MUCH FUN!
Friday, November 13, 2009
Agility practice
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Happy Howl-O-Ween 2009
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Monday, October 19, 2009
Jaz's 1st Celebrity Appearance!

Saturday, September 19, 2009
Shooting the Commercial!
It took over 7 hours to film her part in the 3-5 minute "dog-umentary" and the 30 second commercial. It was exhausting, but awesome at the same time! This is a picture of Jasmine after the shoot was over: (and I felt the exact same way!)

The only difference was the next morning... she was energetic and ready to go again! I still need another week to recover!
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Airline just for pets!

Monday, September 14, 2009
Turn off the Lights!
As I mentioned at the end of the video, the lamp is touch sensitive. But I think it responds to body heat because having Jaz touch it with her paw won't turn it on! ?? So, after trying to problem-solve a couple of different ways, I eventually just put her treats underneath the base of the lamp. Then her nose touches it long enough to turn it on! ;)
The light switch just takes a lot of practice. (and still will!) Right now she probably hits the right spot about 70% of the time. But that's okay! It's a new trick! It will come with some more practice. (and a lot more treats!) :D
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Jaz is on the Sept. cover of Go Gilbert magazine!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009
All packed and ready to go!

HOW ADORABLE IS THIS?? Ok- I know I'm a little biased... but I just think she's so cute!!
Last night, a photographer named Carl came to take Jasmine's picture for an upcoming article. He was kind enough to send me some of the pictures he took. And I just LOVE this one!!! :) It totally captures her fun, playful personality! This is the look she gives me all the time when she wants to practice tricks.
Carl is an amazing photographer!! You can check out his work at: (check out his work: (I think he needs to add a section for pet photos!)
Saturday, August 8, 2009
East Valley Tribune Article

(It's online right now, but won't actually be in the paper until tomorrow (Sunday).
If you want a sneak peak, check out:

Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Front Page of! :)

Saturday, August 1, 2009
WE WON! :)

Based on the video, Mater just seems like a happy-go-lucky, playful dog! And what's not to like about that??
And we met Jesse and his owner Heather while doing TV interviews. Jesse is an amazingly talented dog, and the best part was that his owner Heather was SUPER sweet, kind, and helpful! She's the one that told me to get Jasmine her own blog! She's willing to be our guide as Jaz & I head down this new road together!
So this is new & exciting! Here's all the winning videos if you want to check them out:
So what does this mean? I don't exactly know! I know that all 3 dogs have won a year's worth of free dog food. The people from Mighty Dog are going to come to Arizona to film Jesse and Jasmine for a 3-5 minutes "Dog-umentary" movie that they'll show on the Mighty Dog website. And all 3 dogs get to be on the commercial on Thanksgiving Day! (on NBC- it airs sometime during the National Dog Show.)
That's all the details I know for now! But don't worry- I'll keep you posted! :)
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Hollywood Paws

I got to watch the audition process, and was really impressed with the trainers there!

Monday, July 27, 2009
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Jasmine's Newspaper Article!
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Jaz on Good Morning AZ!
And the other one was with NBC called "Arizona Midday". (But I haven't been able to find a link for that one!) But both went great! (Considering this was her first time on live TV!) And Jesse and Jasmine were buddies. They were even teaching each other some tricks! Such good doggies! :)
Obama and Jasmine... just chillin'
Or at least a statue of the President! ;-)
Friday, June 26, 2009
The Cowboy Trick
Monday, June 22, 2009
Mighty Dog Contest!
Mighty was having a contest to see who had a mighty dog. I submitted this one of Jasmine's tricks, and she was picked to be one of the Top 10 Finalists! :D If she wins, she gets to be on a commercial, and gets 1 year of free dog food! :) (The good stuff-in cans!) (not just the dry kibble she normally gets!) ;)
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Saturday, June 20, 2009