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Monday, September 30, 2013

#Petsmart dog model- Christmas/ Winter clothes

Tis the season!

OK- so I'm one of those people who think they shouldn't start advertising for Christmas until after Halloween is over.  But stores do it anyway.  And this time, the advertising has my dog involved in it, so I feel like I have to share!   There's a whole bunch of new pics of Jasmine up on Petsmart's website!

Here's Jasmine wearing a cute little Disney scarf.  

I really like this Mrs. Santa Clause outfit.  I need to get one for Jaz!

This one is really cute too!   She looks good in plaid! 

Monday, September 23, 2013

More dog modeling pics for @Petsmart!

Remember when we did that modeling gig back in July??  Well, more pics have just been posted on Petsmart's website!  :D    

Jasmine modeled about 15 different outfits, so there are probably more pics coming.  
(Assuming they turned out good!) 

I think Jaz looks really good in pink.  :)

 I'm pretty sure Jaz thinks modeling is the easiest trick ever.  You just have to sit/stay, and you get treats.  Not too shabby!!

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Places for Engagement Photos.

If you are a regular reader of my blog, then you know that last month I got engaged!  (Me- CJ- the human, not Jasmine the dog!)  Here's our story if you need to catch up!  http://www.mywedding.com/cjjackson/index.html

 So my friend Mindy and I went on a wedding recon mission to discover a good place to take engagement photos.  I originally was just going to take pics of the different possible locations, but then I decided to bring along my professional model.  She might be a little furry, but then at least there would be a subject in each picture.   

So... here's the possibilities I have to choose from.  (And not based on how cute Jasmine is, let me know based on which BACKGROUND you like the best!!)  ;)   Don't let that furry cute dog sway your decision.

Which ones do you like best?

#1- Fountain w/ statue

 #2- LOVE statue.  (this is one of my fav's)

#3 Statue of guy w/ dog.   
(I don't think we'll take our engagement photos here.  I just had to recreate the pic w/ my dog!!)

Here's the full version.  
(I needed my friend Mindy's help holding the treat to the side to get Jaz to look that way!!)
  #4- Abstract art statue
Here's the full sized version. 
 #5- Pretty fountatins w/ greenery
#6-  Trees
 #7- Chess/ Checkers set
#8- Walls... urban setting

#9- Rocks, small waterfall (which you can't really see)

#10- Man-made pond

 #11- Park/ Ducks

 #12- Large grassy area

 #13- Tree w/ Fountain
#14- Weird statue
 #15 - Staircase (urban setting)

So... what are your thoughts?  (and keep in mind, I will be having a professional photographer take our pictures.  These were just taken with my little camera.)

Brown Beggers Treats... Jaz tested, Jaz approved.

 For those of you who know Jasmine, she's a treat ADDICT!  Yes, I am a responsible dog owner, and monitor the number of treats she gets.  However, that doesn't change the fact that she is rather obsessed with treats!   For example, these SitStay packages came while the dogs were out getting groomed.  When we got home, Toddy didn't even notice them.  Jasmine goes STRAIGHT to the packages and starts sniffing.  Then pawing at them.  I told her to sit while I opened it.  She just stared at the box. 
Obsessive much??

 I try to make sure my dogs are well trained and have manners.  But once I give the release word, it's go time!!
These are dog chews that you get delivered to your door by Brown Beggers.  We got to try out the Chew Sampler.  I didn't get a better picture because I was trying to make sure Jaz didn't just rip through the brown paper to get to the treats inside!

Here's all the chews that were inside.  (Toddy sat up and started begging for them while I was arranging them on the table.)
There were all sorts of different kind of bones, chews, dried meat patties, and jerky.  Jaz hardly knew which to pick first.  I let both dogs pick out their favorite treat.  They both walked to separate corners of the room and started chewing on them.  

 I thought this was amusing.  I couldn't figure out what was inside that long tube that was delivered to my door.  (Check out Toddy in the background!!!  He's trying to see if the chew treats were still on that table!!)  (For the record, I had moved them to higher ground!!)  

So... we figured out what was in the tube.  Turns out it was a 3 foot long beef stick!!!!   They do know my dog is only 1 foot long, right??

Didn't matter though!  Jaz was determined to devour it.  I broke off a piece and let her have it.  (It's snap beef jerky, so you just break off the size you want to give your dog.)   Here's where you can get these giaganic beef jerky sticks:  http://www.sitstay.com/featured-products/brown-beggers-the-144/

We got all these chews/treats through SitStay.com - it was their Brown Begger line.  And after having both my dogs try them, I can say that they are Jaz tested, and Jasmine approved.

For the record, this post is sponsored by SitStay.com.  I am being compensated for my review of the Brown Begger treats.  However, I never review products that I wouldn't let my own dogs try.  And all opinions shared on My Favorite Pup Jasmine's blog are my own, and I only share information on products that I feel are relevant to our friends/ blog readers.