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Thursday, April 26, 2012

Award Time!

 For those of you who were not able to catch the finale of "Who Let The Dogs Out" on Animal Planet... no worries!  I have some behind-the-scenes footage, I just need to finish editing it and upload it to YouTube!

It's nice that I can actually talk about it!!  They flew us to California to perform at Universal Studios in March!  But then I had to keep the results a secret for almost 2 months!!  That was hard!!! We had a blast there!  We met so many cool people, and awesome trick dogs!!   At the finale, they selected 2 finalists to have a show-down.  The final 2 were Jasmine and Daisy.  Then at the very end, Daisy won!   (And I was perfectly happy with 2nd place!)  I was just impressed that Jasmine did all her tricks!  Sometimes when she's in a new place, with new sights/smells, she gets easily distracted!   So I was proud of her for staying focused!  Jasmine won a giant gift basket (pictured above), and 6 months of Natural Balance dog food!  :)

   When the showed the finale on TV, they cut out the show-down between Daisy and Jasmine.  They showed all the semi-finalists, then jumped right to the end, and showed the winner.  But that's okay.   It was just cool to be on the show!!  

Jasmine also received another award in the mail this week!  Last fall, one of Jasmine's trick videos (Dog Goes Shopping) was entered in a doggy version of the Academy Awards. (The Anipal Academy Awards).  And she won for Best Comedy! 
Here she is with her cute little trophy! :)  

(And as you can tell from the 2 pictures, Jaz got a haircut!)  :)

If you haven't seen the full-length version of "Dog Goes Shopping"- here it is: 


  1. Yaaayyyy!!! Jaz!!!! I want your pawtograph!!

  2. That's terrific! Congratulations to you and Jasmine! We still haven't had a chance to see the show yet (we dvr'ed it), but will watch this weekend.

  3. Thats great news Jasmine. I am so happy for you. We watched you on TV.


  4. CONGRATULATIONS JASMINE! You deserve it!! Roxy is your ultimate fan and she would be honoured if you followed her blog!!

    stop by for a visit.

    Flynnah & Roxy xx
