Tillman and his friends have traveled all over the country to find America's Most Talented Pet! And Jasmine was chosen to go to California to be one of the finalists performing live at Universal Studios!!

I can't even tell you how much fun it was!!! If you've never seen Jaz's tricks before... click here to see her trick resume. And you'll get a little preview of what we did in California!
Getting there was a little bit of a challenge! I had to fly to Cali with ALL of Jasmine's props! (Minus the mini fridge! I thought it was wise to leave that at home!!) ;) So I had A LOT of luggage!!
5 pieces of luggage! (included a big tub loaded with her stuff!) I'm sure the security guys at the airport were perplexed as to why I would have a full size mailbox in my suitcase!! ;) The truth is... I only packed one outfit, PJ's, hair stuff, and make-up. ALLLLLL the rest of that stuff was Jasmine's!! She's kind of high maintenance when we travel!! ;)
Her shopping cart wheel got a little damaged on the flight over, but I was able to fix it before the next morning. (Quick trip to the store to buy some Gorilla Glue!!) Luckily, it worked!!
We had such a fantastic time! I wasn't viewing it as a competition. I was just going to have fun, meet some awesome dogs, and share some of Jaz's fun tricks!
I was super excited to meet Tillman, the skateboarding dog!! The sun was in their eyes, that's why both dogs are squinting! I have been a fan of Tillman's ever since he was on the show "Greatest American Dog"!
I've been following him ever since! It was SO COOL to actually meet him in person!!
And we met Norman the scooter dog!! He's huge!! (Well, compared to Jaz!) But very nice!! Just a big boy who loves attention!
There was an open set at Universal Studios, so that meant anyone could come and watch the taping
of the show.
So my brother and nephew came to watch!! It was really great having them there to talk to! It made it more casual... so I wasn't as nervous!
I have never filmed a TV show before, but basically it's a lot of standing around... waiting for your turn! So we had fun with it. I talked with the other finalists, and we took pictures with our dogs. There were so many cool people and awesome dogs there!! I wish it didn't have to come to an end!
I didn't know what to expect when I met the cast of "Who Let The Dogs Out"... but they were all SOOOO NICE!!! VERY Friendly.... just regular, down-to-earth people. I like that!! And they all loved dogs... so of course that makes me like them even more!
When it was our turn to perform, Jaz did pretty good! I was very happy with our performance.
There were a few hiccups... but nothing big. The ground was slightly slanted, so all the skateboarding dogs went really fast! But when Jaz was pushing her shopping cart, it got away from her one time! LOL
And during another trick, Jaz was supposed to bring me a Kleenex. She picked it up, but then dropped it, and the wind blew it away! She started to go after it, and I had to call her back so she could just get a new one!
And Jaz has also been having a lot of problems with her allergies. (Spring time brings out the itchiness!)
So when I asked Jaz to "roll up in the blanket", she sat there and itched for about 30 seconds!! Then she did it! (I'm hoping they cut that part out when they edit it!!) LOL.
But other than that... Jaz did all her tricks. I was proud of her. :)
There were a lot of talented dogs there. I can't tell you much about it... other than it's going to be awesome!! I can't wait to see it! Because I was back-stage, I didn't get to see all the other dogs perform. So I'm looking forward to watching it on TV too!!
The season finale of "Who Let The Dogs Out" airs on Sat. April 21st on Animal Planet!! You'll have to keep an eye out for Jasmine!! :D