On Sat. Nov 12th, I went with some friends to the AZ Animal Welfare League's Walk to Save Animals!

This is my friend's adopted pitbull mix named Peanut Butter. She's a rescue. She didn't actually drive us there, she just likes to think she did!

This was a benefit walk to raise money for AZ's largest no-kill shelter. There was a 5K, and a 2K.
This was a huge event, which was very well attended!
After the walk, the Phoenix Search & Rescue did a demonstration for everyone. Those are some well-trained dogs! They were black labs, and they talked about how they had all been trained using positive reinforcement. These were the same dogs that were used during 9/11, and Hurricane Katrina. Pretty impressive!

This is Jasmine and her new friend Sasha!
Sasha is a neighbor's 6 month old puppy that needed some socialization. Sasha had a lot of energy, but was really good with little kids. She would sit down when they came over to pet her.

A very beautiful, happy, sweet dog. Just needs a little training.

Have you ever seen a herd of weiner dogs? I have!! LOL. They were cute!

Jasmine met a Celebrity Vet!!
This is Dr. Kevin Fitzgerald from Animal Planet's Emergency Vet show. Jaz got a picture with him.
He was really nice!!
The AAWL and SPCA had an exotic animal display, so Jaz and the dogs got to see all sorts of new creatures! :D
All in all, we had a really good time!
I think I'm going to contact them and see if next year, they would like a trick dog demonstration! :D That would be fun.