Today was a REALLY hot day! (106 degrees) But today was the "Dog Days of Summer" casting call, so off we went!
I was lucky my friend Deena came with me to help! She got some good pics while we were there! We had to wait in line for about 45 minutes until it was our turn. But that was okay because there were some really cute dogs there to admire- of every size, breed, and color. It was fun talking to all the owners.
When it was our turn, the first picture we took was just our number. We were #39.
They took a few shots of Jasmine sitting, then sitting pretty. Then finally with the shopping cart. We only got about 2 minutes of the photographer's time. So we had to make it count! Jaz did really good- considering how hot it was outside! She drank her water, but she didn't even want her treats. (Until she cooled down in the car afterwards- then she reconsidered!) ;)

Their website said you could submit a photo online. And if I had, it probably would have looked better. However, it's going to be a voting contest. And you got 1000 votes if you showed up to the doggy casting call. (Then they also have the rights to the photograph.) So I'm hoping one of the ones they took turned out decent. If not... it was still a good experience for Jaz to practice auditioning. She's good at performing with distractions. (Probably because of our experience being a therapy dog team.) However, she doesn't always like to perform when it's really hot outside. (And I can't say that I blame her!) I wouldn't either!! ;)
How exciting - good luck!