I can't say enough good things about our new Kurgo dog harness! It's a regular harness (for dog walks), but also is a car restraint harness. (Seat belt for dogs.) Now I've had a doggy seat belt before, and it was very complicated, and eventually I just quit using it. But this Kurgo harness is so easy!! First of all- it's a body harness, which you can use for just regular walks. Then when it's time to go in the car, you just attach a loop to a seat belt, and clip the carabiner to the harness. Voila. Done.
I seriously love it. Jaz has been on a ton of car trips with all our travels. I wish I had this a long time ago. (Especially since it can double as a body harness and a seat belt!) I need to get one for Chewy. He usually rides in the back of my SUV. But sometimes he'll jump the seats to get closer to us. He needs a Kurgo dog harness badly!
Kurgo is made of high quality materials, and it's easy to use. What's not to love? It comes in two colors- red or black.
I was mentioning it on Jasmine's Facebook page, and some friends wanted to know specifically what it looks like, and how it attaches in the car. So here's some pics:
See how the carabiner attaches to her harness? Then the loop goes around the seatbelt. Simple.
This keeps them safe and secure when traveling. It also keeps YOU safe on the road!
Website: http://www.kurgo.com/harnesses/tru-fit-enhanced-strength-harness-3055-series/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/KurgoProducts
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Kurgo
I'm a believer. Now I just need to get one for Chewy, and we'll be set!
FINE PRINT: I say this every time, but I'll say it again...
I'm very picky about who I will do reviews for. It has to be a product that I will actually let my dog have, use, or eat. I do not receive any compensation for doing product reviews. Companies will send us their product to review. I let Jaz and/or Chewy try it. And this is my honest opinion of the items we received.