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Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Jasmine is getting famous in Norway!

Ta Da!  My friend Stacy found the link to the Norwegian newspaper article with Jasmine in it!!

Here it is!

If some of you actually can read that, please let me know what it says!!

I looked it up on Google Translate, and it said:

"The dog "Jasmine" became world famous after this video : Havaneseren, Jasmine, tours the world with their human-like tricks for their participation in this youtube hit a video. Photo: MyFavoritePupJasmine""

So... that's more or less what it says!   Pretty cool!!  :)  :)  :

Norwegian Newspaper Article!

Are any of Jasmine's friends/ fans from Norway??

Jasmine is going to be featured in a Norwegian newspaper's website- called Dagbladet.no

And HOPEFULLY, they are going to send me a copy of the post showing her trick video.  (I requested it, and hopefully they will follow through!)

I would love to see the article, even if I can't read the words!  :)

P.S.  If any of you see Jasmine anywhere around the web, please let me know!!  She sometimes ends up on the news and blogs that I don't know about.  And it's fun to go check them out.   

Thanks my friends!


Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Merry Christmas!!

Who is almost ready for Christmas??   (We're not!)    But to get me in the holiday spirit, I decided to post some pics of Jaz and one of her most popular videos "Dog Saves Christmas!"  (This video always gets really popular around December- with a ton of comments.)

One of the more amusing trains of conversation revolved around Jasmine only delivering one present to a house that had two dogs!  And they wanted to know if that other dog was naughty.   To tell you the truth, I didn't even notice that until someone pointed it out!!   You'll notice from all the blooper footage at the end that sometimes you're just lucky to get what you get!  And you have to piece it together to make it work!!  I have a basic story line idea in my head, but nothing too elaborate!   So, to answer their question, I don't know!  I never thought about it before now!!  ;)

Merry Christmas to my friends all over the world!  May you be filled with the peace, love, and joy that comes this time of year.