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Tuesday, May 29, 2012

WHO IS JASMINE? BlogPaws Intro Video

I'm speaking at BlogPaws 2012 badge

Many of you know Jasmine's history, but some of you do not.   Since we're going to be speaking at a pet convention next month called BlogPaws, I thought it would be good to make an introduction video!

Here's a little background on us:

Jasmine is a 6 year old Havanese who LOVES to do tricks!  I've had her since she was a puppy.  She is clicker trained, using positive reinforcement.  She loves to learn, because she enjoys the mental stimulation and she LOVES good treats!!

We've had a lot of wonderful adventures together.  I had no idea when I got this sweet little pup where it would all lead.  But... one thing just keeps leading to another... and here we are.  :)  And now she's been on TV all over the world.  I don't even know where we'll end up next! LOL.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Jaz's New Cards

It was time to get new business cards for Jasmine!  I finally ran out of the other ones. 
I have a friend who is a graphic designer, so she designed these really cute cards!

I got these in time to take with us up to the BlogPaws convention next month.  That way people will know how to get in touch with us if they want to.  On that back, I included my email address and all of Jasmine's links, in case they want to add us as a friend:  

My Favorite Pup Jasmine  :)


Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Nylabone Doggy Baseball cards!

Nylabone is sponsoring "Dog Day at the Park" at the Oakland A's vs. Yankee's baseball game! 

Nylabone chose a few of the canine all-stars to put on Baseball Cards!  

I thought these turned out really cute!!  

There's Paige, Dexter, Jasmine, Mishka, Laika, Moki, and Jesse!

I wish I could collect them all!!  :) 

Saturday, May 19, 2012

YouTube videos= TV Time

   Next month, Jasmine and I will be traveling again!  This time we're headed to Salt Lake City, UT to attend the BlogPaws convention!  It's June 21st-23rd.  In the entertainment industry, everything happens last minute.  I didn't know we were going to New York to be on Good Morning America until a few days prior!   But the nice thing about pet conventions is that they are planned months in advance!   
I'm really excited about BlogPaws!!  Thus far, all my experiences with the people from BlogPaws have been positive.  It is a well-organized, well-planned convention that I am excited to be a part of!
We are going to be giving a presentation on Friday, June 22nd about "The Power of YouTube".

My friend Lauren (and her trick dog Paige) are going to be there with us!!  It will be so great to see her again!!  Both Jasmine and Paige initially gained their popularity from YouTube videos.  

Jasmine and Paige have both been on TV numerous times.  Sometimes it's live.  But in Jasmine's case, more often they air her YouTube videos.  (especially internationally.)

Here's just a sample of Jasmine's TV appearances:

Live TV appearances:

Good Morning America
"Who Let The Dogs Out"- AP
Valley Dish - NBC 12

TV appearances using Jasmine's YouTube videos:
"Right This Minute"
Tokudane show- JAPAN
Anderson Cooper Show
"My Pet's Got Talent"- AP

ABC 15 News

NBC "12 Seconds of Fame"

Animal Planet's WLTDO Audition
Good Morning America
 NBC 12 News
Animal Planet- Cutest Pet

So... this is proof of the power of YouTube.  5 years ago, I would have never dreamed my dog would be as popular as she is!  It's kind of surreal.  But... YouTube lets other dog lovers share your videos.  Thus now, Jasmine has more friends than I do!  But it's okay.  I know people smile and laugh when they see her tricks.  So it makes me happy that she can now help people smile all over the world.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Phoenix Pet Expo

Before we went to NY for Good Morning America, Jaz entered a trick contest at the Phoenix Pet Expo!  
(I just have been so busy, I didn't have time to edit the video!!)   But I finally got around to it!  So , here are some of the highlights:

Heather and Jesse were there as the celebrity judges!   So I recorded their little trick demo too!

Jasmine also hung out at the AZ Animal Actors booth- showing some of her tricks.
After the trick show, we took some pics w/ Jesse and Jasmine.  Did they plan to both wear stripes for the occasion?  Nope!  Random coincidence!  
Tiff from Wind Wolf Photography was there, and she took some great photos of the pups!  (Way better than mine!)
 She got a good one of Jaz pushing her shopping cart too!  That's kind of her signature trick!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Jasmine on Good Morning America...

Jasmine was on Good Morning America last week!

Here's the GMA video from last Monday- Jasmine vs. Arbor.

Jasmine won that contest, so we got to fly to NYC to perform live on the show last Friday!

It was a whirlwind trip, but what an adventure!!

We flew in on Thurs night, and met our good friend Thy!!  We explored Times Square, found the GMA studio, and got some delicious food at the Shake Shack!  (It was SOO good!) I'm glad Thy introduced me to it!  We took our food down to Byrant Park for a picnic!  (Jasmine was thrilled to find some grass!!)  Although it was freshly cut, so it turned her white paws green!  But I was going to give her a bath that night anyway!!  It was so nice of Thy to come all the way into the city just to see us!  It helped make our first night in NYC wonderful!

 Friday morning, I went down to the Good Morning America studios.  We had to be there at 5:45 am!!!  So I got up at 4:00 am to get ready.  (Which, by the way, is 1:00 am AZ time!)   I  That whole weekend was all about sleep deprivation!!  But it was worth it! ;)
   (Side note: after I took Jaz outside to go potty, I went back to the hotel room, and my key wouldn't work!!   The battery to my room lock had died, and had to be replaced!  (which took a while).  So that was a little stressful, considering the clock was ticking, and I was supposed to be on set in an hour!)  I called GMA to let them know, and the executive producers were very supportive.  They did everything they could to help me get there close to on time!  They even let me get my hair/make-up touched up by their professionals on set!  So that was great!!  (I was really glad I had bathed Jaz the night before!!)

  There were 4 finalists in the Dog vs. Dog competition.  (Well, technically 5 dogs.)  Our friend Heather (and her dog Jesse) were finalists too!  Jasmine pushed her shopping cart, Jesse did his front handstand, Rudy (the yorkie) played poker, and the white dogs Gater and Joe Paws pushed each other on a cart.

I really appreciate everyone who voted for us!  We came in 2nd!!!  The hosts announced that it was a close race, but I didn't realize how close until a friend sent me this screen capture of the voting totals right before it closed!  It's all good though!   I didn't really care who won.  I was just happy with my free trip to NY and the chance to be on the show!!!  And it was nice having Heather and Jesse there.... so I had a friend to hang out with on Friday.  I know Heather and Jesse from a Mighty Dog contest that both of our dogs won back in 2008.  Jasmine and Jesse got to be in a Mighty Dog commercial together!
 We also met Rachel Ray!!  She was on the show that day too!  And she was nice enough to take a quick picture with us.
We also got pictures with the hosts after the show.  They were SUPER friendly and nice!!  
 We even got to go inside the GMA set after the show was over to take a few pics!

 Jasmine and Jesse waiting for their segment to come on TV!  
 After the show, we had to switch hotels.  At first I was trying to get Jasmine and all our luggage from the Millennium hotel over to the Hilton NY.  It was hard walking Jaz on the leash and pushing a cart with all that luggage.  So then I was carrying her and pushing the cart.  That got tiring too.  So finally, we found a solution.  Princess Jasmine just rode on top of the luggage dolly for most of the way.  That way she didn't accidentally get stepped on, and I didn't have to worry about her getting in the street.  (NY is really crowded obviously!)
 After we settled into our new room (and took a 3 hour nap!!), Jaz and I decided to go sight-seeing.  We explored the sights, sounds, and smells of New York City.  I even bought the traditionally cheezy NY souvenirs.  (Including this t-shirt which I love!)  
 Our new hotel was only a few blocks from Central Park, so we hung out there for a while.  Jasmine got to chase her first squirrel up a tree!  (on leash of course!)  It was funny.  She's never seen a squirrel before.  (They don't have many where I live in AZ!)   We also took some pics by some famous landmarks- like Radio City music hall.

The next time I go back to NY, I want to see some Broadway plays.  And I still need to go to the normal tourist stuff- like the Empire State Building and the Statue of Liberty.  I just didn't have much time this trip.  (Plus, I had to find activities that were dog-friendly since I didn't have anyone to watch Jasmine.)   It was a quick trip, but we made the most of it.  Overall, a very positive experience.  :) 

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Jasmine was on ABC 15 News!

I've been so busy with traveling, I haven't had time to share all our videos!

Last Wednesday, Jasmine was on the morning news!  (on ABC 15)  (From 5-7 am!)  It was really early to wake up, but they ended up showing a ton of her tricks!  And everyone was super nice!  It was a great experience!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Jaz button

GMA Dog vs. Dog contest!

Oh my gosh- this is unreal!!  THANKS to you my friends, Jasmine won her contest on Monday!
She was paired off against a very talented, sweet dog named Arbor.  Arbor was adopted from a shelter only a year ago!!  Pretty impressive!!  Here's Arbor's Facebook page:  https://www.facebook.com/GoVegasDog
Living proof that some of the best pups you will ever find are at your local shelter.  Go find out for yourself!  What a sweet, smart, and talented dog!

It was a CLOSE contest too! 
 If you missed it, here's the link to watch both dogs!   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lfo0zDto624

  So... now Jasmine moves on to the next round!  They are flying us to New York!!   I can't believe it!  Jasmine will be performing LIVE on Good Morning America THIS Friday, May 4, 2012!
WOW.  This doesn't even seem real!!  I'm so excited! 

So keep an eye out for Jasmine!  After the show,  you can vote for your favorite dog (on Friday) at: www.goodmorningamerica.com

I don't have a smart phone, so I won't be able to remind anyone to vote.  So please tell your friends!!  :)   THANK YOU!!!  :D