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Monday, August 8, 2011

The voting begins!

Last week, we went to a doggy casting call. And now the voting period has begun! It's crazy because they allow you to vote as many times a day as you want! (This is good and bad!) I thought since it was a local contest, we would have better odds. But the unlimited voting had me overwhelmed! But some very cool friends convinced me to keep going- and they would keep voting for Jaz. So we've been doing it. And Jasmine has over 10,000 votes and rising!

The contest runs until Sept. 15th. And if we can finish it the Top 5, a panel of judges will then select a dog to have an editorial spread in their next magazine! So that's what we're trying for!!
And the competition is fierce! Those votes keep rising- but because of some very awesome friends, Jasmine's votes keep going up too! So as of today, she's in the Top 5. (But it's constantly fluctuating!) So... we'll see! THANK YOU to everyone who is voting for Jaz!!!! You guys are wonderful!!! And no matter what happens, I sure appreciate your efforts! We'll give it all we got...and hope for the best!! =D Here's the link to vote!



  1. We've been logging on at least twice a day since your first post about it and casting as many votes as we have time for. I wonder if they realized how crazy the voting would be when they started this. Most of the other sites only allow one vote per 24-hour period. Jaz is so unique and really deserves this. All paws crossed here.

  2. wow! this is the first time that I saw a dog shopping! she is very brave and I will vote her! Good luck and more power! :)

    Dog Fence
