Jasmine's pic was chosen as a sample cover for Bark Magazine!! =D I love that pic! She's such a happy girl. (and she LOVES going to the duck pond!)
7 things about me & Jasmine:
1. Jasmine and I just had our first agility competition last weekend! (which I was really excited about!) This is a whole new world for me, so we're still figuring it out! (especially the terminology!) But it's sure fun!! =) Jasmine got 3rd place twice, and got her first Q in P1 Jumpers! (See post below this for more details and the video!)
2. Jasmine ALWAYS sleeps upside down. (if she's completely relaxed.) And almost every night, she steals my pillow! (But then will more over to make room for me when I go to bed.)
3. Every day when I come home from work, it's the same greeting. Jaz greets me at the front door to say hi, then runs off to get a toy in her mouth. Then I am expected to chase her around the coffee table and couch for about 3-5 minutes. This game is called "Rah!" She remind me of an Arabian horse when we play this, because her tail is high in the air.
4. I just got asked to be a speaker at the BarkWorld Expo... which is quite an honor! And I get to bring Jaz!! =D http://www.barkworldexpo.com/ We're going to speaking about Jasmine's experience being a "working dog". (Commercials, photoshoots) And how it all came about because of social media! (Mainly YouTube and Facebook!)
5. Jasmine just got a new agent in California! (Top Dog Talent Agency) So she's now listed on the homepage of their website!! http://www.topdogtalentagency.com/