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Monday, November 30, 2009

Here's the Mighty Dog Commercial!

Jasmine's Mighty Dog commercial is online! :)

I had to laugh when I saw it for the first time. I'm going to nickname my dog "Blinky"- because that was the scene they picked for the commercial. Sit there and blink! The filming took 7 hours, and the main shot they picked was of her blinking. OK! (I know the rest of the footage will be edited down & used for the "Dogumentary"... but it still makes me laugh). We shot a ton scenes and they picked one of her blinking! (I guess I'll have to add that trick to her resume!) ;)

P.S. THANK YOU HEATHER for teaching me how to embed the video!! You Rock!! :D

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Commercial Time!!

This is it!! It's FINALLY here! Jasmine's commerical airs THIS Thursday!! (Can you tell we're excited??) :)

It's going to air on NBC on Thanksgiving Day during the National Dog Show. (Which comes on after the Macy's Day Parade- probably around 12:00 noon.) And sometime during the show, they are going to air the Mighty Dog commerical twice!

So keep an eye out for it! It's a 30 second trailer for "Mighty Dog Nation: The Movie"- which comes out in Spring 2010. You'll see Jasmine, Jesse, and Mater- the 3 dogs that won the contest this past summer. (And they're ALL adorable!!) :) I can't wait!! :)

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Agility Fun Run! CynoSport 2009

I finally uploaded the video from our day at CynoSport- doing a Fun Run Agility Course! (Jasmine just started Agility class in September, so we're both new at this.) It's really fun though!

This was our first time at Cynosport, but definitely not our last! We had a blast that day hanging out with our friends Ashley (and her dog Kaine- the German Shepherd) and Heather (and her dog Jesse- the Jack Russell Terrier). Jesse and Kaine tried dock-diving. (into a tank of water). Jasmine would have nothing to do with that! She hates the water!

All the dogs did the Agility Fun Run, the Lure-Coursing, then slept while we watched the real Agility Competition. It was such a fun day!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Lure Coursing- SO MUCH FUN!

Another thing that was new to me (and Jaz) was Lure Coursing! (Their motto is Trust us, they'd rather be Lure Coursing!) And it's TRUE! This event is a combination of racing and agility, where the dog chases a little fox tail on a wire. At first I wasn't sure if Jasmine would go for it... she's never done anything like this. But when it took off, she started chasing it! She got about 2 jumps away, then stopped and looked back- as if to say "Where's my mommy??"
I went out on the course to encourage her. I told her to "go get it!!" and that was all she needed. She took off chasing it again, and had a blast. She was SUPER focused on the fox tail (as you can tell from this picture!) It was so much fun!

Friday, November 13, 2009

Agility practice

This past weekend, our friends Heather and Ashley (along with their dogs Jesse and Caine) introduced Jaz and I to something new- the Cynosport World Games! This was really fun! They had some superfast agility dogs, herding demo's, dock-jumping, musical freestyle, and frisbee competitions. Overall- just LOTS and LOTS and LOTS of dogs!! :) And even more fun, our pups got to participate in some COOL activites. Jasmine got to try out a mock agility course. (We started Agility classes almost 2 months ago, but had never done all the obstacles as a course.) It cracks me up how her eyebrows go straight up and down when she jumps!! Her first A-Frame. No problem. This is just like climbing up onto the back of the couch!

Haha- This is what happens when you mix a Tricks dog with an Agility Course!!
Now she remembers how to do it!
She does a pretty decent pole weave as long as I'm on her left side.
We're still working on doing it when I'm off-side.
Agility courses are so much fun!! :)