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Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Addition Pet Foods Taste Test

After meeting with Addiction Pet Foods at Blogpaws this past summer, I agreed to do a product review.  This is not a paid review... they just sent me their dog food to see if my dogs like it.  Plain and simple. 

Last week, a box arrived on our doorstep.  The dogs get excited when anyone comes to the door, because they always assume it's for them.  This time it actually was.

You don't have to be a dog psychic to know they are thinking "open the box!!  Open the box!!"

The Addiction Pet Foods sent us some Salmon Blue dry food, a portable water bowl, and a fuzzy squeaky bone!

I totally thought Jaz would go for the food first.  But nope, she wanted to get that fuzzy squeaky bone before Chewy did.  (He's not allowed to have fuzzy toys, because he destroys them!)

Jasmine, however, was quite content squeaking her new toy.  (Seriously, soft squeaky bones are her favorite things ever.)

Around dinner time, it was time to sample the cuisine.  (Can you see Chewy's tail wagging in this picture??)  :D

Jaz is normally a picky eater.  And I did tell her to "stay", so I could get a picture of what the food looks like.  But after that, she dove right in.  I think we found a winner.

Chewy was next.  I have to feed the dogs separately, otherwise they only care about what's in the other dog's bowl.

Chewy liked it too.  

There's a lot of dog food companies out there.  The reason I agreed to try this one was because they are holistic and use unique proteins in their foods.  Such as salmon, kangaroo, eel, free-range venison, and brushtail.  (Can you tell this company is based out of New Zealand??)  :D

In general, I will only give my pups high quality food.  So I was impressed with this one.  All in all... we give Addiction Dog Foods two paws up!  :)