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Friday, November 29, 2013

Wedding Pics and Jasmine :)

 I think it's pretty obvious why I've been MIA for the past month.  :)   
 I just got married, so I took a break from blogging.  Obviously I had other things going on!!  

 I got my pictures back from the bridal shoot. (All taken by Paul Howalt Photography) There are some in here that I absolutely LOVE!!

(Like the one pictured above.)   That's probably one of my favorites with Jasmine in it.  :)

I like this one too... just walking along the temple grounds.  They were in the middle of putting up the Christmas lights.  But luckily, it wasn't too crowded the day we went to take pictures.

 I got this idea from Pinterest, and wanted to recreate it with Jasmine!

 I love this one too!!  One of my favorite pics!  Any guy I married was going to have to be a dog-lover. That's just a given!!  Jasmine is such a big part of my life.  We're kind of a package deal.  ;)  My new husband is very sweet, and Jaz just adores him.  (She snuggles with him more than she does with me!!)

 This one with the ring on Jasmine's nose turned out cute too.  I can't decide which I like better.

I like this black and white one- taken in front of the Mesa, Arizona LDS (Mormon) Temple.    I know Jasmine's not in it, but it's still going on my living room wall.  We had to take a few with just us as a couple!!  ;) 

Friday, November 8, 2013

Petsmart ads!

More cute Petsmart ads with Jazzy! 

I think she looks adorable.  But of course, I understand I am biased too.  ;)

Monday, November 4, 2013

Wedding Countdown!

Jasmine has some exciting changes coming soon!  

Her family is growing.  I am getting married soon, and Jaz is also getting a doggy step-brother named Chewy!  (who hopefully won't live up to his name!!)   It was a name he earned as a puppy, but I'm really hoping he's out-grown the "chew on everything" phase!!  We'll find out!

So- I won't be online much during November.  I'll be a little busy!!  Getting married, unpacking, and getting settled into our new life.  (and training Chewy!!)   But we'll be back.  :)
So- take care friends!!   Have a happy Thanksgiving!