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Tuesday, May 28, 2013

#BlogPaws in Pictures

"My dog went on vacation, and all I got is this lousy t-shirt..."  Haha!  :)
Well- I'm back from BlogPaws!  What a whirlwind trip!!!

We flew into Washington DC!  (Didn't have a chance to go to the White House and say hi to Bo though...)  ;)

Jasmine was such a good little traveler! We had a lay-over in Minneapolis, so it was a really long flight to get to the east coast.  But Jaz was great!  She just slept the whole way.  She travels in a carrier underneath my seat.
 When we arrived on the east coast, we met up with our best friends Lauren and her dogs Paige and Dexter.  (These are trick dogs too!  They have been our friends for a long time!)  They picked us up from the airport, and we headed to Tyson's Corner, Virginia!
Lauren (and her dogs) came with us for the opening night of BlogPaws on Thursday night.  It was so fun seeing all the different kinds of dogs there!

Look at these crazy dog people!  ;)  This is Sarah, Lauren, me (CJ), and Sara.  It was sure fun reuniting with old friends!  They had a photobooth at the meet & greet, so we took full advantage of that!  ;)
We stopped by the Natural Balance table to say hi to our friends there.  They were having a contest- You could win a gift card if you tweeted a pic of your dog w/ this fat dog.   I thought this pic was amusing.  Stripes make you look thinner.  ;)
 They have a new low calorie formula for fat dogs- that we got samples of to try! 
(Jaz has a few friends who could use a low calorie formula, and they love it when I come home from these conferences with stuff to try!)

We got to meet up with our friend Eldad Hagar- from Hope for the Paws Animal Rescue.  Jaz just adores him!  (We became friends at BlogPaws last year- when we taught a class about YouTube together.)
Jaz is such a model!  She actually won this dress in a drawing from Spoiled Pup Boutique!  I know I'm a little biased, but I think she looks so cute in this pic!!
We took pics with our friends Preston (a yearly tradition).  And our new friend Leroy!  (Who we knew from online.)  Leroy is a famous trick dog too!
This pic cracks me up.  I was eating breakfast, and Jaz put her paw up on me, and gave me the saddest look.  Like she never gets fed.  Ever!!   ;)

Going to these conferences is exhausting- as all the dogs will tell you.  This is what they do while we're in class learning!
Jasmine was catching a quick cat nap before our formal evening.  Jasmine was nominated for a "Best Video" award.  They have a big formal affair. You dress up, and walk down the red carpet.  They have a fancy banquet dinner, and then an awards ceremony.  Jaz didn't win, but it was just cool to be a part of the whole process!!
Jasmine and I got to go on a doggy riverboat cruise up the Potomoc river!  It was really fun!!  Jasmine thought it was better than sticking her head out a car window!
I love how Jasmine will just pose anywhere for me!!  Some of the other tourists were so impressed that Jasmine just stood there and let me take her picture.  (and they did too!)  What can I say?  She's used to modeling.  She knows she gets treats for this- so she'll stay there forever!!

Overall, we had a REALLY good time at the BlogPaws conference.  It goes way too fast!  They keep you hopping from sun-up to sun-down.  But it's a really good experience, with great classes, and great networking opportunities!  This was our 2nd year going, and hope to go back in 2014 as well!
(Last year, we taught a class on "The Power of YouTube"... which was fun, but a lot of work.  It's much more fun to attend as just a regular participant!!)   ;)
I saw this sign while flying home from Washington DC.  TSA K-9 Teams in Use.  Well, my personal K-9 team (Team Jasmine) was in use too!  Everyone in line was staring or smiling at me.  (Or more technically- at Jasmine!)  I'm used to it!   Jaz gets smiles wherever she goes.  That's just how she rolls.  ;)

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

#Blogpaws- ready or not, here we come!

I'm so excited!  In 2 days, we'll be leaving to go to Tyson's Corner, Virginia for our 2nd BlogPaws convention!!  We're going to reunited with all our BP friends, and take classes to learn a ton of new stuff!  

This year, we just get to go as a participant!    Last year, we co-taught a class on "The Power of YouTube" along with Lauren (and Paige) and Eldad Haagar (from Hope for the Paws).  It was such a great experience!!  We really wanted to go back!
Last year, Jasmine also won an award for the "Best Video" for her Santa Paws- Santa's Little Helper video!
She was nominated again this year for a different therapy dog video (Jasmine visits the Elementary School) , so it will be fun to see what happens!  They have a big formal banquet dinner/ award cerimony on Saturday night.  For me, it's just fun to be a part of the whole experience.  And since I'm no longer the newbie, I kind of know what to to do this year!  LOL.  (Last year when Jaz won, we had to go up on stage and give an acceptance speech.)   I was TOTALLY unprepared for that, because I didn't think there was any chance of us winning!  This year, even if we don't win, at least I know it's a possiblity, so I won't be so blindsided!  LOL
I'm excited to just go and enjoy ourselves! (No stress!) (Well, other than traveling with a dog!)
I'm kind of nervous about that.  Jaz has flown with me a lot- for different TV shows and conventions.  But this will be the first time we have a lay-over.  :(   We couldn't take a direct flight because Jasmine only fits under the seats of Delta airlines.  And they don't fly directly to Washington DC.  So, I had the choice to go without Jaz.  (But come on... what's the point?)  ;)   Or travel with Jaz- trying our luck on a connecting flight.   (Let's just keep our fingers crossed there are no delays.)
Traveling with a dog is always an adventure!  But... once we get there, it's going to be GREAT!  :)
Look out BLOGPAWS... ready or not... here we come!!  ;)