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Sunday, April 28, 2013

Jasmine is on People Magazine's website- Cutest Pet

Jasmine is being featured on People Magazine's website! 

As one of "The Cutest Pets on Twitter This Week".    :)

This is Jaz- she's such a good sport.  ;)

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Dog Modeling- Jasmine is a Petsmart model

On Thursday, I got a really fun surprise.  Our friend Jesse wrote on Jasmine's Facebook page and said:  "I saw you today at Petsmart!!"   I was a little confused at first.  I read this message on my phone while I was at work.  As far as I knew, Jaz was home on the couch sleeping!  (unless she's been sneaking off for another "Dog Goes Shopping" escapade without my knowledge!!)   ;)
Then I saw this picture that Jesse sent:
Oh!!  Gotcha!!  This was so exciting!  Jasmine has an animal talent agent, and they got us this gig last November.  But they didn't know when the product was going to come out!  All I knew was "Spring 2013".   Here's our a link to that blogpost if you want to read about how the photoshoot went:  http://myfavoritepup.blogspot.com/2012/11/jasmines-latest-photoshoot-car-seat.html

Jesse and Jasmine have been friends for many years.  We met Heather and Jesse back in 2009, when Jesse and Jasmine both got to be in a Mighty Dog commercial together!  They both won a contest, and got to be in a commercial, photoshoot, and web movie.  We had so much fun shooting that, it was then I decided to audition Jasmine for an animal talent agent.  And that's how this whole adventure started.  
I just took a walk down memory lane and watched the Mighty Dog movie again.  Good times.

So right after work, I went with Jasmine to Petsmart to see the car seat covers.  It is SO HARD to not want to buy every box that has my dog's picture on it!!  LOL

 I did end up buying one.  (Even though they don't fit my car.)   How could I not??  :)   I scanned the box, so you could see the picture better.

Jasmine has actually done work for Petsmart before- and the manager was nice enough to let us borrow this from the grooming salon, so I could scan it:

Jasmine LOVES modeling. It's the easiest way to earn treats ever.  ;)

Monday, April 15, 2013


Who likes treats?   As you know, Jasmine is a treat addict!  I use treats to train all her tricks.  So we go through a decent amount.

Kong Premium Treats contacted me, and asked if we wanted to do a product review for them.  So I decided to check them out.  They have all natural beef and chicken jerky treats.   As well as beef & cheese and bacon flavored Kong treats.  Now, I'm picky about what treats I give to Jasmine.  But these are all made here in the USA.  So, I'm good with that.

The box came on Friday, and Jaz immediately had to investigate.  She's definitely a fan.  I put treats in her Kong before I leave for work to keep her occupied.

Since she liked them, we agreed to do a give-away so Jasmine's friends could enjoy them too!

It's pretty easy- there will be 3 winners.  The contest runs from Mon. Apr. 15- Fri. Apr. 19th.  The winner will be randomly selected, and treats will be mailed out by the sponsor.

Here's where you can enter:  

http://www.rafflecopter.com/rafl/display/72c6311/" rel="nofollow">
a Rafflecopter giveaway

P.S.  We didn't receive any financial compensation for this post, they sent us 2 bags of treats to try.  And wanted to know if we wanted to do a give-away for Jasmine's friends.  So I said yes.   :)

Monday, April 1, 2013

Jaz's next TV appearance??

Exciting possibilities!

Jasmine's YouTube videos get her a lot of exposure!  I just got this email through YouTube (and also on her Facebook page!)


I am a producer for the famous Latin Show Sábado Gigante.

Information of the show: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sábado_Gigante

Information of the host: http://www.univision.com/talentos/don-francisco/biografia

I saw in your channel this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qKFeA2_KZGE&list=SP1294D5DBC39951A9&index=2

and I am interest in knowing where are you located and be in contact with you to consider the possibility to bring you to our show this month.

Please give me a contact number and e-mail and let me know where are you located.

I just spoke with them over the phone, and it looks promising!  Jaz and I might be going to Miami later this month to perform pet tricks on the show!!  :D   (Even though I don't speak Spanish!)  The producers said it was okay to have 1 guest who spoke English.

They asked if I knew any Spanish speaking dog trainers.  I don't.  Do you any of you?  I might be able to get you on TV!  :D