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Thursday, January 15, 2015

Recovering from surgery

To all my friends:

  Just a brief update- I haven't been updating the blog as much as I previously had.  Life has been a lot busier lately.  For the last several months, I've been hanging out at the doctor's office a lot more!  (Nothing life-threatening.)  But none-the-less, it's been occupying a lot of my time.

 Yesterday, I went in for an out-patient surgery. All went well, and I'm at home recovering now.
When I got home from the hospital, Jaz immediately curled up in my legs, very concerned.  She cuddled with me for a good 5 minutes until hubby went into the kitchen to get me some food.  Then suddenly, Jaz jumped down to follow him into the kitchen.  Jasmine loves me dearly, but food will trump me every time.  ;)

  So- I may not be updating the blog much, but I do try to post on Facebook regularly.   So if you don't see me here, be sure to check out Jasmine's page.    https://www.facebook.com/MyFavoritePupJasmine  And we can stay in touch that way.  (Because I can check that from my phone.)  Hope you are all doing well.  Take care my friends!   I'll be back blogging as soon as I can.  

~ CJ  <3 font="" nbsp="">