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Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Chewdini- The Great Escape!

For those of you who haven't been following our adventures on Jasmine's Facebook page... Chewy has been at it again.

Yesterday, when I left for work, I put Chewy outside.   I locked the doggy door, and put cinder blocks in front of it.    This is what I came home to:   

A logged doggy door and 2 cinder blocks are no match for Chewdini. 

Friday, November 21, 2014

Favorite Animal Movies?

Who gets to pick the movies in your house?  Jasmine has commandeered the TV remote control.  She'll probably be watching a lot of Animal Planet while I'm gone at work!

Dog TV Remote Control
I am compiling a list of really good animal movies to watch during the holidays.

I have my Top 10 list completed I think.  But I'm wondering if I've missed any.

What are your favorite animal movies to watch?  (Live action or animated?)

Super Buddies

I probably watch dog movies different than other people.  I'm usually watching to get new trick ideas.  Or wondering how they filmed that.  (Because as you know I like to make YouTube dog movies with Jasmine!)   I'm always on the look-out for new ideas!  :)

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Do you have a talented dog?

2 years ago, I made a trick dog video montage of "Dogs Playing Basketball".  I had my trick dog friends from all over the world send me videos of their dogs playing basketball!  (I love it because it shows dogs of all different breeds and sizes!)

Now, we're finally ready to do another one.  We're making a new video about DANCING DOGS!!  (We're looking for any freestyle dance move- or any trick that looks like dancing.)
I'd love to get as many dog breeds as possible.  

If you want your dog to be in it- record your dog doing any dance move, and send a clip thru Dropbox to getconnected@mchsi.com or upload it to YouTube and email it Cindy at getconnected@mchsi.com.   Thanks!  :)

A couple of hints- try to film in open space with good lighting.  Tripods or a friend with a steady hand helps out a lot!  Also- this is going to be an all dog film!  So no humans (unless it's just a leg or hand!)   Let me know if you have any other questions!   I'm looking forward to seeing your pups!!  :)