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Saturday, August 14, 2010

Dog Goes Shopping!

Canine shoppers unite! =) Here's Jasmine's latest video! =)

Here's some footage that I didn't use- of Jasmine pushing the shopping cart (by herself and with me). =)

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Therapy Dogs

Here are some of Jasmine's new therapy dog friends! They were all at the hospital with us on Saturday. Stormy is an 6 year old Sheltie. (who we are shadowing) And Henry is a 1 year old Cavalier King Charles Spaniel who is just barely becoming certified as a therapy dog! So when all 3 went around, we just had our own little doggy parade! The little dogs are supposed to ride around on the cart that Stormy is on... but Jaz is still getting used to it! She likes walking a lot better!

This time we didn't go to pediatrics at all. (We're still technically doing our orientation- getting to know all the areas of the hospital where therapy dogs are allowed.)
So instead we started with "antepartum"-- women who are pregnant, but are in the hospital for other things. (sometimes related to pregnancy.) Then we headed up to the 4th floor of the hospital. And we practically spent our whole time there! We got so many requests! As we were walking down the halls, people would come up to us... "can you bring the dogs in to see my son?" "Can my mom see your dogs?" "Will you come here next?". A guy in a hospital gown was walking down the hall, pushing his IV stand. He, his wife, and the nurse with him all turned around just to come see our dogs. He was so happy to see and pet our dogs, it just totally made his day. (which in return made my day.)

These little dogs bring such joy to people. You can definitely tell the animal lovers in the hospital. Today we did more tricks than last time. (The patients' FAVORITE was "Be Shy".) They all got a kick out of that! And also Jaz is getting better as "Say hello"-- instead of barking, she will sometimes say two syllables which sometimes sounds like Reh-Ro. (like Scooby Doo would say hello!) We're working on that!

We also accidently scared a social worker! Oops! Jaz was sitting on a patients' bed, and the curtain was drawn partially closed. I guess Jaz was startled because she suddenly let out a *loud* bark! (Which made the social worker jump- because she didn't know there was a dog in the room!)

So... that was Saturday's experience! I'm still so glad we're doing this. I know these little dogs are making a big impact on the lives of the patients. I like this quote:

"Emerson said it well, 'Rings and jewels are not gifts, but apologies for gifts. The only true gift is a portion of thyself to others.'"

I think we each can do this in our own way. (Finding a way way make a difference in the world- by sharing a part of yourself.) For me, it just seems easier to reach out to people when there's a dog involved. =)