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Monday, May 24, 2010

Mix 96.9 Top Dog Contest

Hi Friends of Jasmine!!

I need your help! Mix 96.9 is having a photo contest to find AZ's Top Pet!

And I entered Jasmine! Will you go vote for her? I would really appreciate it!! =) (I submitted the photo shown below.)

Here's the link! (You might have to copy and paste it into your browser!)



Friday, May 14, 2010

Time to go shopping!

I ♥ it when I forget about stuff I've ordered on Amazon, and it magically appears on my front door step!! (Jasmine's little metal shopping cart came today!!) So now we can learn a new trick!! :)

Thursday, May 6, 2010

New tricks up our sleeve!

Jasmine's been learning some new tricks!

Here's a montage of some of our practice sessions. (New and familiar tricks... with a little dedication to my favorite pup at the end.)