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Saturday, December 19, 2009

New Trick!

Jasmine learned a new trick!

She now knows how to say hi!! (Or raise her paw to vote)
I used this trick in a new video I made of her. (See below)
Our friend Ashley (and Kaine) hosted a Canine Freestyle Dance Contest on YouTube. And I have NO IDEA how to do Freestyle Dance w/ Jaz! But I thought I'd make a funny video response anyway! So this link shows you what Jasmine's response would be if we ever did decide to enter. ;)

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Happy B-day Jaz!

Jasmine is 4 years old now! It's weird how fast time has gone! I feel like I just got her!

Here's a little flashback... When I got Jasmine, she was a jet black pup w/ silver markings. I thought she was the prettiest pup in the litter! I just loved those little eyebrows!

Now she's more of a gray dog w/ white markings. (Well, it's white when she's actually clean!)

But she still has the very expressive eyes, and a sweet temperment. Getting her was the best decision I could have made.

Since I was out of town on her actual birthday, my roommate took her to Petsmart for me to have her pick out a new toy. (Our b-day tradition)

When I came home, I found out Jasmine had 3 new toys! Another squeaky bone (cuz you can never have too many!), a squeaky santa monkey, and a kong ball. I told my roommate she's spoiling her! But hey- you only turn 4 once, right?? ;)