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Thursday, July 30, 2009

Hollywood Paws

LOOK! It's Jasmine Avenue!! :) (This is in California!)
While on vacation in California, I had the opportunity to visit Hollywood Paws.
I got to watch the audition process, and was really impressed with the trainers there! I got some great ideas on how to work with Jasmine. For example, if you want to teach them to do "work aways"- (where the dog is facing away from you) Place a pile of treats in front of the dog, then give the command. We haven't tried this one yet, but it definitely works! The dog doesn't look back at you for the reward, because it's right there in front of them! (assuming they wait for the clicker before gobbling up the pile of treats!)

Monday, July 27, 2009

More photo shoot pics. :)

Playing in the park. :)

Jaz takes her handshakes very seriously. ;)

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Photo Shoot!

Jasmine had her first photo shoot! (Kind of) It was more like playing in the park while someone happened to be snapping some pictures!

Afterwards she got to play on the playground, and we decided to take some shots of that too!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Jasmine's Newspaper Article!

Jaz hasn't learned how to "speak" just yet, so I had to do an interview with a lady from the AZ Republic. Here's the link to the article too that came out Wed, July 21, 2009.


Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Jaz on Good Morning AZ!

Since Jasmine was selected to be one of the Top 10 Finalists in the Mighty Dog contest, she got to go on the news! (a few times!) Last Thursday, she was on FOX News. And today we got to meet the other Finalist from Arizona... a Jack Russell Terrier named Jesse. He was so awesome!! :) And his owner Heather was so nice! We got to spend the day together because we had 2 interviews... one in the morning with "Good Morning Arizona" on 3TV.


And the other one was with NBC called "Arizona Midday". (But I haven't been able to find a link for that one!) But both went great! (Considering this was her first time on live TV!) And Jesse and Jasmine were buddies. They were even teaching each other some tricks! Such good doggies! :)

Obama and Jasmine... just chillin'

After the first interview, Jasmine got to meet the President!! :-)
Or at least a statue of the President! ;-)