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Friday, March 13, 2009

Disney Dog Auditions

Today we went for our first LIVE outdoor audition!Jaz did most of her tricks. (Which was good- considering how HOT it was outside that day!)I was proud of her! :)

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

David Letterman, Here we come!

Last November (2008), we submitted a video online to audition for David Letterman's Stupid Pet Tricks. Then I didn't hear anything else about it.... so I figured they weren't interested. Then in March, they suddenly called on a Tuesday and said Jaz had been selected as a finalist. Then they called back on Thursday and said they wanted to fly her to New York City!!
They had selected 5 dogs to fly to NYC for a dress rehearsal. 3 dogs are picked to be on the show that night, and 2 are back-up. (in case some get sick or stage fright, etc.) It was last minute notice, but luckily my work was nice enough to let me have those days off! It was a QUICK trip! We flew out Monday morning, did the audition Tuesday, and flew back Wednesday morning! Yikes!
This is the beginning of the suitcase trick. I would try to pack her stuff, but she would take it back out again! She was trying to tell me, "You can't take my favorite bone!!"

Jasmine just stared out the window after we arrived in NYC. Probably wondering where she was!

This was her first time in New York City! It was so busy! (and noisy!) It took her a while to figure out where to go potty! The closest grass was several blocks away at Central Park! It was weird at first being in a hotel room with my dog! But she got used to riding the elevator down when she needed to go outside!

Jaz did really good at her audition (dress rehearsal). I thought she might be distracted by all the new sights and sounds... but she did great! :) All 5 dogs did their tricks, then the producers decided which 3 they wanted on the show for that night. In the end, they didn't pick Jaz for that night. But I was okay with that... it was an honor to even be selected considering how many submissions they get! They asked if I would be willing to bring Jaz back out another time, and of course I agreed!
It was awesome to just be there! Free trip to NEW YORK! Wahoo!! It was such a cool experience to be backstage at the David Letterman show! We watched the whole show from the Green Room.

These are our new friends:

Abe and his "devil dog"- who acted possessed.

This dog could count!

Mike & his dog Bailey- who could play dead (while he was holding him!) This video has been really popular on YouTube. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DalB-CvO7Qc
I keep getting it forwarded to me from my friends. (which I find humorous- considering I was there!)
This is the other dog that wasn't selected that night. It's a chihuahua from Colorado that can sing opera! (Well- howl along as his owner sings opera.)

Overall, quite an awesome experience!!